Join, Donate or Volunteer

Join, Donate or Volunteer!

The success of the Land Conservancy of North Kingstown relies on the support of people like you. There are several ways you can help:

  • Support our efforts by Donating! You can send us a check to our P.O. Box or use the PayPay link below.
  • Volunteer for our organization. Send us an email for more information.
  • Be our eyes and ears! Notify us of possible conservation properties.

Saving our natural heritage is an ongoing effort. Each one of us has the opportunity to enhance the community of North Kingstown on a daily basis. Here are a few, simple things you can do to make a difference:

  • Walk, bike, and ride-share more. Drive less!
  • Eat lower on the food chain.
  • Make your home energy and water efficient.
  • Turn off lights or the TV when you’re not in the room.
  • Start a compost pile.
  • Reduce! Recycle! Reuse!

Conservation can’t wait. Help us protect the future of our community today.

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